
02 Jul 2011

pyflowtools is a small pure-python library for reading flow-tools format netflow data files.

There’s another pyflowtools which is a fork of Robin Sommer’s much faster C module that was included in the flow-tools distribution.

####Basic usage (same as flowtools module):

# Basic example
import pyflowtools

totalUsage = 0L
for flow in pyflowtools.FlowSet("ft-v05.2010-01-01.000000+0000"):
	totalUsage += flow.dOctets

####Extra fancy stuff I added to the API:

def tagMyUsage(flow):
	tags = []
	if flow.srcaddr_raw == myip_raw:
	if flow.dstaddr_raw == myip_raw:
	return tags

for basetime, usage in pyflowtools.aggregateUsage(pyflowtools.flowcat(sys.argv[1:]), tagMyUsage, 60):
	print "%d,%d,%d" % (basetime, usage["IN"], usage["OUT"])

####Download pyflowtools-1.1.tar.gz